The Attention Grabber

In grad school, I remember how important it was that every lesson had to have an “attention grabber.” This by far took the most time because we had to come up with a game or find a clip from YouTube, write down the beginning and ending time, and have it cued up and ready to go by the beginning of our lessons.  Anyone else have to do that or just me? The thing is, it worked. It got eyes to the front of the room and mouths closed. The bad thing? IT TOOK SO MUCH TIME!  

When I started using WonderGrove in 2014, my attention grabbers got so much easier and more predictable! I had 1-3 minute attention grabbers for the entire year and the kids knew it was coming and were seated with eyes forward and mouths closed before the video was even up! 

Even if you’re teaching online right now, you need an attention grabber.  

If you’re on Zoom, simply log in, find the video you want to show, and share your screen with your students. 

If you’re on Google Classroom, create an assignment and paste the link of the video in the assignment for students to watch!

Janelle Vargo was an elementary intervention specialist for over ten years in Dayton, Ohio.  She has been using WonderGrove Social Skills animations and lessons for her students both in the resource room and inclusive classrooms since their creation. She currently works as the Education Director for Wonder Media and as an educational consultant. Janelle has written lessons and articles for private educational companies as well as consulting with companies and school districts looking to make their interventions simple, efficient, and meaningful to children.

She can be contacted at


Multisensory Sight Words


Teaching Social Skills from a Computer or Classroom